Relationship Coaching

for Personal and Professional Growth

"As a C-level executive at a fast-growing early stage energy technology company, it isn't always obvious how to make the time to be quiet and mindful. With Kate's guidance, I'm learning my own mindfulness and self-compassion practice, one that fits the realities of my life. I love what I am learning, and it's already working for me. Kate's vast knowledge base, adaptability, and kindness enables me to approach this inner growth journey with honesty and vulnerability."

~Jen, Chief Global Affairs Officer

You already have everything you need to be fully awake and alive in your purpose

My role is to help you make the space to hear, see, and feel it.

Hi I’m Kate, and I am so happy you’re here. I am a certified relationship coach and mindfulness teacher, and I work with individuals, leaders, and groups who are curious about how to live a more creative, fully realized life.

Relationships are at the heart of almost everything we do in our lives - at home, at work, and at play - and I am passionate about relational dynamics. Relationships can bring us immense joy, and… they tend to wake up challenging parts of ourselves.

Our relational capacity impacts how we lead, live, and love.

My approach is to create the space for clients to get curious and compassionate. To let their innate wisdom emerge, to be seen and heard, and to heal. I guide practices that build trust, generosity, and compassion in relationship with yourself, with others, and with the world around us.

My training is grounded in trauma-sensitive mindfulness, self-compassion, and Internal Family Systems (IFS). You can learn more about my personal story and credentials here.